zines and stories
All Materials Salvaged
Self Published Book, 2015
This coffee table book documents our Miniature Hikes project. All Materials Salvaged shows the public interaction, as well as giving a behind the scenes look into the huts and their construction. It also features a poetic invocation by Harley Bell (local adventurer) and Mark Amery's eloquent review. Every book comes with a free copy of the Huts of Welling Town Geopictorial map poster. Buy a copy from our online SHOP

The Logbook Zine
Edition One, 2014
A series of compilation zines featuring some of our favorite logbook entries from the 2014 Wellington logbooks. Logbook entries from PICNIC, Public Art Survey & WISH.

Volume Two; Voyage to India 2013
"The smell; it changed constantly, but was never as bad as expected. Yes, sometimes it was of human waste, of smoke, burning refuse, fuel fumes and unknown chemicals. But it also had notes of deep-fried snacks, incense, spent match-heads and oddly, cheese toasties left in the press too long. Under it all was the constant presence of scorched earth, literally burnt dirt. With no official rubbish collection, waste is dropped on the street and routinely swept into piles to burn. These small smoldering fires can be seen everywhere, largely unattended but never out of control. While it is all 'stinky' by kiwi standards, it was entirely bearable and often a point of intrigue. Smell and sound, together they accompanied us as we traveled over scorched landscapes and up twisted mountain paths. Mother India enveloped us in her complex scent and constant chatter, and like her loving children we will always remember her warm embrace."
Link - Audio Zine (free download)

"Outlaws live beyond the law. We don’t merely live beyond the letter of the law – many businessmen, most politicians, and all cops do that – we live beyond the spirit of the law. In a sense, then, we live beyond society. Have we a common goal, that goal is to turn the tables on the nature of society. When we succeed, we raise the exhilaration content of the universe. We even raise it a little bit when we fail."
-Tom Robbins, Still Life With Woodpecker (1980)
A true story of two outlaws exploring Farewell Spit in Golden Bay, NZ. First edition self published in Nov 2012.
Special Reissue in poster format, with new illustrations and digital PDF available here

"During one of his regular walks in the bush between suburbs the man noticed a change to the forest path. He is always on the lookout for interesting bits, and has developed a good eye for the purpose. At the crest of the hill, a muted gold tin can had been attached to the side of an old trail post. The cans placement was intriguing, it had the appearance of a letterbox, but much too low. It could easily be missed by any passer-by. Something for the bush faeries, perhaps? A wirehung flap had been made from the cans own lid, concealing its contents upon approach. Stooping to swing the lid, the man found it empty. He felt disappointed, but only momentarily. Though the flap door would keep out most rain, whoever had installed this can had gone to the effort to neatly drill some drainage holes and screw the bottom to the post securely. This tin can post was saying pay attention."
Tin Can Post follows 'the man' in a tentative foray into the distribution of beautiful junk. A short story for the young and adventurous at heart. Discover the real Tin Can Posts here. You can also purchase a copy here. A perfect gift for someone with a hungry imagination.