outdoor R&D lab
The original Tin Can Post went into retirement and WISH has claimed it's spot. It also takes up the role of collecting messages from the Rolleston Heights community, especially those who regularly used PICNIC. May it serve you well & be careful what you wish for!

Early in the 2013 summer we noticed a picnic spot being worn into the grass, on the crest of Rolleston Heights. We thought it could use some furniture. PICNIC was born, a simple bench seat containing a blanket and a logbook. The response from the community (via the logbook) was enthusiastic and hugely inspiring. The images below are just a selection of the 100+ entries of excitement, gratitude and creativity found in the 3 logbooks. The original bench was so well used that we decided to replace it with a more permanent version, in March, 2014. It seems someone else also had this idea. In May, an official macrocarpa bench was installed directly in front of PICNIC, a dedication to a beloved beagle, Dudley. A user of PICNIC noted that “there is something a little unnerving when a beacon of quirky Wellington culture gets upstaged by the very image of solid institutional functionalism.” But this is the nature of experimental public art and we have continued to install new pieces in Rolleston Heights.
Link - Radio NZ feature

Little is known about the life and times of Greggo the Troll. What little we do know can be deciphered from the photo evidence below. Our investigation began with a crude message left in LOGBOOK, and has escalated to property disputes and retaliation from the fairies. Please continue to check here for further information as it is known. If you see or hear anything DO NOT hesitate to capture your own evidence and inform us ASAP.

Near the Brooklyn entrance to Rolleston Heights is DESIRE, a path worn in the long grass by curious adventurers. By installing various artworks off track, passersby are enticed to investigate. As this desire path becomes more defined, the artworks continue to evolve. The current manifestation is AUM, a quiet reminder of the peace inherent in nature. Wave, the official flagstaff of Rolleston heights, battled the wind to its fateful end. Before Wave was Drip, a strange creature that played in the wind and hugged the ground.

NEST was created as a kind of extension to DESIRE, inviting the curious to climb skyward. Perched high in a perfect climbing tree, near the base of Rolleston Heights, NEST holds secret treasure for those brave enough to discover it. Since installation, someone has added a simple rope swing to the base of the tree, a welcome edition!

Hidden among the aging pine forest is a strange contraption containing simple pen & paper. The counter-weight action of LOGBOOK adds an element of risk but is rewarded with messages, secrets and insightful poems.

Hovering high above a wild gully is this simple piece of sage advice. The logic is infallible, why not? indeed.

A glitter station that ebbs and flows with the summer rainfall. Brightly coloured rocks scattered on the path. An anonymous response with blue rocks. Mini Tini, the baby of the Tin Can Post family, yelps when played with.